Author: moneylore
ASCO24 Highlighting Tagrisso, Caribou’s repositioning, and Lilly’s KRAS rival
Here’s a condensed news bulletin on recent BioPharma Dive events. We’d appreciate your feedback on our new format. During this year’s American Society of Clinical Oncology conference in Chicago
An explanation of each Ozempic side effect
Ozempic and various other drugs in the GLP-1 receptor agonist family have quickly become famous for dramatic weight management, but every couple of weeks it additionally appears we listen to that social networks customers are radiating a light on another brand-new Ozempic side effect
A wider role for a targeted leukemia treatment is suggested by a Novartis trial
Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients often get one of many targeted drugs to help them fight this long-lasting bone marrow cancer. These drugs have been known to extend sufferers’ lives for years. Scemblix, the latest treatment, is making positive impressions
A Pilates Exercise Without Equipment for Toned Arms
Doing Pilates doesn’t mean everyone will have identical “Pilates arms,” but these exercises can surely make your arms stronger and more toned. Pilates has many benefits, one of them
A Mediterranean diet may lower a woman’s risk of dying young by 23%
Women that carefully adhere to a Mediterranean diet are substantially less most likely to pass away too soon than females that do not, a new study recommends